Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Oh Lori!

I have been thinking a lot about Lori lately. For those of you who don't know her, you should. She is an amazing person, and so much fun.! Lori and I grew up best friends, and we still are, as far as I know!:).. No matter how long it's been since I have talked to her, it's always comfortable and there is so much to talk about..!she Always makes me laugh and is always there to pray for me when I need it or just to talk to!
I am so proud of Lori for going to school to be a nurse because it is something she has always wanted to do! Another thing is the medical missions she goes on that I think is so amazing. She just listens to God tell her where to go, and I am sure she does great things in those places where He sends her.! I just wanted to thank Lori and let her know how much I love her and think about her! And I want everyone reading this to think of someone special in your life, when was the last time you told them you love them and appreciate them!:)! Praise God for good, honest, true and loving friends:)



Anonymous said...

Amen Keri-Lyn! She is amazing! Lori if you read this, I love you and I too am so proud of you for who you are, following your dreams, serving people and God with your whole heart! You are great! and by the way Keri-Lyn Marie Valdez Martinez...I love you so my dear! I am so proud of you and who you are, how you love and serve God and people! What a future you have in His Service! I can't wait to see what God has in store for you and Alvaro...and I am so grateful for your love for the Lord! I am a proud mommy, what can I say!!! I love you honey! Mommy

chelsey said...

i love lori too. YAY LORI!

xblairx said...

lori smells.

Ryan said...

Nope, sorry, you and Lori have not been best friends for some time now. Sorry to break the news.

Anonymous said...

Oh Karebear.....
Thanks so much my lovely. That was a pleasant surprise. If I had a blog (which I don't cause I think it's a trend for those coupled types of people!) I would write a lovely post about you would read something like this.
Keri-Lyn is my best friend (even if I don't name my first kid after her - hahaha). We've always been best friends and I intent on keeping it that way no matter where life takes us. I love laughing with you, crying with you and eating chocolate covered strawberries til I'm sick. I love that I can talk to you and pick up right where we left off. Your strength/stubborness is an example to me. Your relationship with Alvaro is something I hope I will be blessed with in the future. I continue to keep you and Alvaro in my prayers and I'm really excited to see you soon.

Love you lots.
PS: Where'd you get that picture from - you know that you need permission for those kind of things these days?

Anonymous said...

Blair sweats lots.

Anonymous said...

ya loris pretty sweet. But come on... im amazing. haha just kidding. I miss you lori. and you are tons of fun. Come to Winnipeg soon.

Anonymous said...

Keri Lyn, Grandma Peterson says hello,we are sitting at her computer and visiting and I have downloaded all of your blogs for her, just in case she has time some day and she is not knitting anymore....just kidding...Love you sweetie, we are having a nice weekend.. Love, Mommy

Anonymous said...

Keri Lyn, Grandma Peterson says hello,we are sitting at her computer and visiting and I have downloaded all of your blogs for her, just in case she has time some day and she is not knitting anymore....just kidding...Love you sweetie, we are having a nice weekend.. Love, Mommy