Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The whole of life...

"The whole of life is but a moment of time. It is our duty, therefore to use it, not to misuse it." Plutarch
You know, lately I have been self reflecting and thinking a lot about my attitude and how I act in every day situations. I have been thinking about school and how I act around my friends.
"Am I letting them know who I really am and what I believe? Do they know I love Jesus? Am I missing an opportunity to be telling them about what they are missing in life? Can they tell I am a Christian, and that I am different from them?"

These are all questions that I have been thinking about and I am not quite sure why.. I see people inviting their friends to church, bible study and being very open about who they are.. That's great. I am so proud of who I am, but for some reason it's so hard for that to come out when I am with others who don't have the same beliefs as me. I sit on the bus and see a sad, stinky old man, and wonder "what if I went and said hi, smiled at him and gave him some encouragement", but on the other hand then I think, but what will everyone think of me.

So as I go on day to day I just pray for some way for me to become less concerned about what people think of me, how they portray me, and I pray that I can really be a witness for God and have people look at me and know that I am a Christian, I love God, and that I can someday have the guts to do things I feel like doing, thanks Blair...!! Like talking to older people who look lonely on the bus, or standing up and knowing the right thing to say when your religion is being bashed!:)
I know that my words are all jumbled, but I pray for everyone of you that God can be shown through your everday life, your attitude, the way you speak, the way you act, etc... I know we were put on this earth to love God, let his light shine and to be able to share His word, so God, please help us be more appreciative about who we are and our purpose here on your Earth and to use and take advantage of everyday to live for you.


chelsey said...

i appreciate your honesty and your willing-vulnerability. thanks for sharing. i wonder about the same things that you have discussed in this post. i want to be strong enough to love others too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for using my image and linking it back to my site :)

Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts girl!
I struggle with this too. Everyday. I was at a party on Saturday where some deep, 'religious' debates got going. I really had a hard time coming up with things to say. Its easy to act like we are close to God when we are at Church, or Bible study, but in the real world it is completely different.
I look forward to driving to Regina with you guys on friday. see you then!

Anonymous said...

Hey Karebear.

Those are some deep thoughts honey. You make me so proud knowing that you're struggling with these things. It helps me get my act together and think of all that I am not doing to help others see Jesus. Just let go and let God take you - you will touch more peoples lives than you ever though possible.

I love you and am really excited for you and Alvaro and Joy to come this weekend. Peace out.

Love, Lori

Anonymous said...

Hey, my sweet daughter, this is mommy reading and reflecting on your thoughts! This is our common struggle, to let our lives reflect Jesus and his love in every experience of our day to day life! What a challenge, but I know your heart and the reflection of Jesus comes in many way...in our listening ears and hearts to the hearts and struggles of others, to the sharing of our prayer time for those in need, words of caring and comfort, tiny morsels of helping those around feel valued and cared for in God's way. We will never perfect this, but the road to showing His way, is a matter of keeping on the right track in knowing our challenges...thanks for your open heart and seeking God's will and direction for your life...Oh how I love you and I am so proud! Call me! Love Mom from Dauphin